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Recently, HollySys began work on the automatic control system contract for a Lygend Project involving 160 kt/a nickel sulfate and 800 kt/a sulfur-based sulfuric acid production plus supporting dock, on the Obi Islands of Indonesia, with intense debugging operations underway on site. A large-scale smelting project for joint development of local nickel ore resources co-developed by Ningbo Lygend Resources & Technology Co., Ltd. and a local Indonesian company, the Obi Project represents a successful combination of Chinese technical strength with Indonesian resource advantages under the banner of the Belt and Road Initiative. Focusing on globalization of Chinese technical standards and the construction of an innovation demonstration base, the project will promote the comprehensive utilization of nickel ore resources, making an outstanding contribution to securing the nickel resource supply chain and China’s sustainable development.


The project covers leaching, extraction, evaporation, crystallization, utility and auxiliary facilities, along with other production systems accommodated in multiple workshops. With suppliers’ backing, HollySys won the Lygend contract for the DCS and DEH control systems of industrial supporting facilities including two 30MW power plants, one 60MW power plant, four 150MW power plants and six 55000Nm3/h gas furnaces for the project, totaling over 60,000 IO points. Under the contract, HollySys is also supplying MES, AMS, information security, and other digitalization and intelligence products, and providing tailored integrated and intelligent solutions.


The Obi Ferronickel Project in Indonesia, under construction by Chinese contractors, uses an advanced nickel hydrometallurgy high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL) process. It’s preliminary stages have been undertaken by a capable team from Hangzhou HollySys Automation Co., Ltd., the General Industry Department and other organisations, with close cooperation on project progress follow-up. Based on multiple rounds of discussion with the client, the HollySys team developed all-round, high-quality technical solutions for the project, finally gaining the client's trust and winning the contract via our detailed solution design, first-class technical service platform, and advanced and reliable product performance. This relied upon a large number of metallurgical and power industry project cases, and highlights products, technologies, full life cycle services, and overall industry solutions tailored to the client's needs.

Previous successful cooperation with Lygend in numerous projects on Indonesia's Obi Island has laid a solid foundation for HollySys in the hydrometallurgy field overseas, showcasing our dominant position in the metallurgical industry. HollySys will continue its mission to assist Chinese enterprises with overseas projects, promoting the transformation and upgrading of our client enterprises through digitalization and intelligence, by virtue of the constantly growing strength of our core technology.

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