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To further enhance the time management awareness and work efficiency among cadres and key employees of the Company, a training session on the topic of Time Management and Work Organization was conducted on April 4, 2023. The training was organized by the Human Resources Department of the Intelligent Company with the support of the Group's Human Resources Department. The training included an informative presentation by Liu Yi, a seasoned lecturer from Jinyue, and was attended by 36 executives and key personnel in the business.


Gao Shan, the General Manager of the Intelligent Branch, delivered a inspiring speech before the training. He emphasized, "Time management is a highly essential skill in the workplace, especially for management executives and key personnel. It's crucial to integrate time management with efficient work. Furthermore, we should foster a culture of proactive and efficient work among all employees."


Throughout the training, the instructor used interesting case studies to emphasize four crucial aspects: "Establishing the Right Time Management Approach," "Mastering Personal Productivity Systems," "Differentiating Between Important and Urgent Tasks for Efficient Management," and "Acquiring Time Planning Tools and Skills." The energetic classroom environment actively engaged the participants, stimulating their critical thinking and discussions. Members from various groups noted that the training enhanced their grasp of time management, offering a deeper understanding of how to prioritize work and optimize their work hours.



In the future, the company will motivate its leaders and essential staff to put the time management methods they've learned into practice. This means better organizing their time and tasks to boost personal work efficiency. With increased enthusiasm and energy, they'll be fully engaged in their work.

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