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On August 26, the 20th Annual China Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Market Seminar (CAIMRS) Awards were presented in a grand ceremony at the 2022 CAIMRS & Digital Leaders Forum held in Beijing. The event gathered industry leaders and representatives from leading enterprises for in-depth discussion on digital technology and industrial transformation. A major global supplier of automation system solutions thanks to technical strengths accumulated over many years, HollySys won multiple awards and was listed in China’s Top 50 Automation + Digital Brands of 2022. Fang Lei, HollySys Group’s Co-Chief Operating Officer, was granted the Industrial Leading Figure of the Year in Operations and Management Award, while Zhu Guilong, Hangzhou HollySys Automation Co., Ltd.’s Chemical Industry Department General Manager was invited to deliver a keynote speech. CAIMRS showcased HollySys's capabilities in innovation and strength in leadership, while also fully affirming our efforts and achievements in continuously promoting industrial digital transformation.


Industrial Leading Figure of the Year in Operations and Management Award Demonstrates Our Capabilities, and Shouldering of Responsibility, in the Industrial Control Arena.

Fang Lei, Co-Chief Operating Officer of HollySys Group


Unwaveringly taking "Industry Serving the Nation" as its mission while actively responding to national policies on localization of production of key equipment, Fang Lei’s industrial control team has been consistently innovative and creative in its promotion of the development of industrial digitalization, empowering HollySys to make huge strides towards intelligent manufacturing. Their products have been successfully applied to major projects and key equipment, including million kilowatt-class, ultra-supercritical large thermal power units and 1700kta coal-to-methanol plants. Under Fang Lei’s leadership, HollySys developed the innovative OCS optical bus control system in 2021, greatly reducing customers’ project implementation and operating costs. In addition, sparing no effort to ensure China’s industrial security, the team released a team of independent, controllable products, as represented by the HOLLiAS MACS IC, achieving 100% production localization of key industrial control systems. HollySys will also comprehensively accelerate digital transformation, integrating "software, hardware, and services", to jointly establish a new industrial integration ecosystem, helping drive progress towards China's "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goals.


Keynote Speech—"Innovation Breaks Down Barriers, Empowers Enterprises’ Digital Transformation"

In the context of the "dual carbon" goals, the demand for efficient and energy-saving automatic and intelligent production is strengthening apace. Industrial control systems — the “brain” of industrial production and operation in this digital era — provide an important foundation for manufacturing’s high-quality and sustainable development. Zhu Guilong, General Manager of Hangzhou HollySys Automation Co., Ltd.’s Chemical Industry Department, delivered a speech themed "Innovation Breaks Down Barriers, Empowers Enterprises’ Digital Transformation" at this annual industry event, showcasing HollySys's 30 years of achievements in innovation and exploration of the industrial control field. He also presented HollySys's independently-developed, industry-leading OCS industrial optical bus control system, covering application scenarios, typical cases and actual economic benefits.


HollySys's OCS industrial optical bus control system integrates advanced "Onet industrial optical bus technology" with "software-defined I/O technology" in a series of technological innovations which has created the next-generation of process control systems. While greatly reducing consumption of copper core cables, these next-generation systems also greatly simplify the system engineering design and implementation process, significantly reducing both capital and operating expenses (CAPEX & OPEX).

Multiple Product Innovation Awards

"Automation Innovation Award"

HollySys's OCS industrial optical bus control system won the "Automation Innovation Award" in the product innovation category. Integrating the state-of-the-art "Onet industrial optical bus technology" and "software-defined I/O technology", HollySys's OCS industrial optical bus control system represents control system technological innovation in the area of input, output and transmission of field signals.


"Application Innovation Award"

To fulfill China’s energy security and development needs, in actively respond to the national call and energy market needs, HollySys has redoubled its commitment to “independent and controllable, secure and trusted" in its creation of independent, controllable technology and supply chains. Products from its independently-developed, reliable, advanced and easy-to-use localized control system and network information security series have been successively launched and applied, ensuring fulfillment of national energy security and development needs. On August 31 and September 3, 2021, HollySys's fully-localized SCADA system was successfully put into operation at Zhuhai Station and Zhongshan Station on the South China Branch of PipeChina’s product oil pipeline.


"Service Innovation Award"

The Fangcun smart service APP is a one-stop service platform developed by HollySys Group, integrating procurement, management, services, technology, training, and other functions. Through digital and physical integration, this omnichannel platform connects customers with HollySys resources, leveraging our nearly 30 years of professional service experience in the automation field. Oriented as an industrial product service expert designed to better fulfill customers' needs, and focusing on digitalization of services and commercialization of data, this platform allows two-way connectivity between data and services, linking service and business data flows to create closed-loop digitalized services.


HollySys has won CAIMRS awards in consecutive years, demonstrating a high level of industry recognition for our automation field contributions. Building solid technical capabilities, seizing the opportunities presented by industrial innovation, and keeping abreast of national policy guidelines, HollySys will continue to adhere to innovation-driven, demand-driven industrial development, sparing no effort to fully leverage our industrial brand’s technical value, advancing industries’ digital and intelligent transformation  via our superior technical products, high-quality services and full life cycle solutions, while constructing industry and trade ecosystems in conjunction with our partners.

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