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On April 22, 2021, Hangzhou HollySys Automation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hangzhou HollySys), a subsidiary of HollySys Group, successfully passed and received CMMI Level 5, meaning that Hangzhou HollySys's product R&D capability has reached the international advanced level and thus been recognized by international authorities.


CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a set of multi-disciplined and expandable product packages developed jointly by the U.S. Department of Defense, Carnegie Mellon University and the National Defense Industrial Association. It is mainly used to guide improvements in products’ R&D processes and capability. CMMI represents internationally advanced software engineering methods. The CMMI2.0 model includes practical guidance in such fields as software engineering, project management, quantitative management and continuous improvement, covering products' R&D and the entire lifecycle. The model is divided into five levels according to the maturity of capabilities, CMMI5 being the highest level.

Based on recent years' explorations and applications of CMMI5, the Research Institute of Hangzhou HollySys officially launched a CMMI5 certification evaluation in August of 2020. All certification and evaluation departments came together to actively cooperate on the evaluation's required preparatory tasks. After eight months of hard work, the company welcomed the formal evaluation on March 8, 2021. The evaluation team consisted of seven members led by Ms. Mira Culley, a senior chief appraiser authorized by the CMMI Institute. Her team evaluated conducted a comprehensive and meticulous Institute evaluation. A total of five R&D project samples were collected, involving 86 employees and the interview of 18 employees. By conducting interviews, checking documents, and considering results demonstrations, the evaluation team strictly scrutinized the domains of capability, practice, and practical applications. Finding no weaknesses, the evaluation was concluded with seven strengths identified and four suggestions given for improvement.


The CMMI5 evaluation results release meeting was held on March 12 and presided over by senior chief appraiser Mira Culley. There Culley announced that Hangzhou HollySys had met the requirements to qualify for CMMI5 and offered a very positive appraisal of the company's overall operations and implementation of CMMI. On behalf of HollySys, Lan Wenhua, Deputy General Manager of the Xi 'an Branch and Hangzhou HollySys — the sponsor of this certification — thanked Mira Culley and other members of the evaluation team for their efficient work, and expressed her expectations that the R&D team continues to improve its R&D capability and product competitiveness according to the suggestions for improvement. On April 22, the CMMI Research Institute approved the results of the evaluation. Hangzhou HollySys was officially CMMI5-certified.

Success in CMMI5, international recognition of excellent performance in quantitative management, and continuous improvement indicate that the company's product R&D capabilities have matured to reach the international advanced level. In the future, Hangzhou HollySys will continue to give full play to its technical and management advantages and improve its product innovation and R&D capability according to the CMMI framework, providing clients with ever-better products and services.

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